crianças Domenico Dolce fall 2016

D&G FALL 2016


Para quem não sabe, a Milan Fashion Week decorreu na última semana. Entre muitas outras grandes casas, como a Giorgio Armani, a Moschino, e a Prada, também desfilou a já conhecida Dolce & Gabbana. A coleção que os designers Stefano Gabbana e Domenico Dolce apresentaram para a estação de Inverno de 2016 fora inspirada na forte figura maternal, no "coração da família," na Mãe. Usaram assim, as suas próprias recordações infantis enquanto filhos, e exploraram-nas num ponto de vista estético, sem nunca descorar da própria estética da marca, que se sabe bastante sensual.

For whom it may concern, the Milan Fashion Week took place last week. Among many other great houses such as Giorgio Armani, the Moschino and Prada also paraded the familiar Dolce & Gabbana. The collection that Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce presented for the winter season 2016 was inspired by the strong maternal figure, the "heart of the family," the Mother. They use their own memories while children, and explored in an aesthetic point of view, never discolor the very aesthetic of the brand, which is known quite sexy.

À medida que as Spice Girls cantavam "Mama, I love you", o show acentuava ainda mais a imagem da mãe, usando desde modelos grávidas e crianças pela mão até desenhos infantis sobre mães a decorar peças inteiras dando imensa vida à coleção. 

While Spice Girls sang "Mama, I love you," the show accentuated even more the image of the mother, using models from pregnant and children by the hand to children's drawings about mothers decorating whole pieces that brought so much life to the collection.

Havia bordados de rosas vermelhas (tradicionalmente dado no Dia da Mãe em Itália), palavras Amore e Mama em apliques de feltro ingénuos ou em habilmente presos em broches.

There were embroidered red roses (traditionally given on Mother's Day in Italy), the words Amore and Mama in naive felt applications or cleverly stuck in pins.

“The word mamma is not fashion—of course it’s not—It means love, forever. Who do you call when something goes wrong? Your mother. Who do you call when you’re excited? Your mother. We took all our ideas from children—it’s about the family, and love. Fashion is important, yes—but we wanted to give something real, not just cold clothes, clothes, clothes. Everything is so fast now— but via fashion, you can talk about things that have a bigger meaning. Domenico and I have only been doing this for 30 years because we love it. I’m not a therapist, I do fashion. We live in dark times. But we want to remind everyone that with love, you can change everything.”

Stefano Gabbana

Deixo-vos aqui um vídeo do desfile:

I post here a video of the show:

a vossa D

yours D

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